Doli (1969) Full Hindi Movie | Rajesh Khanna, Babita, Prem Chopra, Nazima
The story follows two college friends; Amar and Prem, whose lives get entangled with two neighbors; Asha and Shobha. Shobhas father steals dowry money and the theft is blamed on Ashas father. Both girls marry their respective partners. ,Shobhas husband travels away and returns with the need for a new wife. Prem falls for ASHA not knowing that he left her at the wedding altar and that she is his wife (he refused to look at her face). Lies, treachery, deception and intrigue follow the tale as Asha strives to clear her father's name of a crime he didn't commit and Prem falls for Asha, not knowing that the girl he cruelly rejected during his brash younger days is the same girl he is falling for now.
Movie:- Doli (1969)
Starcast:- Rajesh Khanna, Babita, Prem Chopra, Nazima
Directed By:- Adurthi Subba Rao
Produced by:- Hargobind Duggal
Music by:- Ravi
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